Life is no longer the same, everything is different. People, places, interactions, storefronts, restaurants, moods, emotions, hotels, etc. You get the picture, I know as we are all living through it together. So many unknowns surround us.

The constant that has not disappeared or changed is natures beauty! The sunsets, smell of the ocean air, calmness of the sea, perfect formation of seagulls flying overhead, the sound of the wind, seeing the different shades of the blues in the water, feeling the sun beat through my skin- G-ds magic can never be taken away! This amongst many reflections on this week escape with my priceless mother with whom I feel I won the lottery in receiving as mine.
Living through these uncertain times is scary, a great cause for anxiety, Yet, I have been blessed with the ability to hop our way up and down the Southern California coast spending time with both friends and family. My emotional state is all over the map, just like my heart. The deep gratitude for the stability that has been ingrained in my soul since birth keeps me strong. The thoughts of what is next on my journey race through this mind non-stop. Taking one day at a time, putting one foot in front of the other, and focusing as best I can on the present moment, which is all we are guaranteed. Life is SO precious!
This trip certainly is not like my other action packed adventures. The world is at a stand still and we can’t do much in the sense of exploring. I’m just taking a moment to write, as it helps me to gather these intense feelings of life. Thanks for reading!

Until next time……Hope you’re all staying healthy and safe, soaking up the ones you love ❤️
Love Always,
laurie Sue, aka Dora

It looks and sounds like this getaway was the biggest blessing. You and your mom are beautiful and so lucky to have one another and make great traveling buddies. May you continue your present moment reflections and gratitude for The endless Gifts of nature, along with the luxury of travel, family and dear friends. It all sounds magical and like a quest that is full of potential. One step in front of the next is the key to all your adventures.
Thanks Danielle! Loved seeing your beautiful face and bright spirit! XO
Stephen M Davidson
wonderful to see you two women enjoying these adventures. May they continue. All the best to you both.
Michael Golden
Lovely!! (It went to junk folder for some reason or I would have read it earlier).
Great to hear and see my sunny Laurie!!
☀️ 💛😊