The morning started with the alarm….late nights make it hard to wake up, always filled with excitement to live this adventurous life. We pack up our stuff and head down to breakfast. The music in this restaurant is something we will both miss tremendously. It made the ambiance of our morning rise everyday. Checkout the song, “Downtown” by Magical Cloudz. It is one of my new favorites and already in my ears. I purchased it on itunes. I LOVE IT! We checked out and taxi picked us up at 9:45. At checkout we overheard a French couple complaining about how terrible they were treated in Porto for speaking French and not English. She will not return to Portugal. I was blown away listening to this lady complain with her husband agreeing by shaking his head. I told our front desk workers we absolutely had an opposite experience and LOVED Porto. It sure is good to be American at times. The soup of languages spoken around us in this extremely diverse land with mixtures of many different languages, Im lucky to speak english. The most chosen spoken language everwhere. I would have troubles otherwise. Wishing I had learned a language in my youth, too difficult for me now. I can say 5 Portuguese words now, lol. I will for sure spend more time in this city again. As our Segway guide described, Porto is his soul. Tracy says it has a soulful feel. Its just a special place!
It is a cold, wet, rainy day- the perfect day for a 3 hour train ride. I lovvveee train rides, especially in foreign country’s. As we awaited the gate for train info to pop up I start to make social media posts. Trac is not on any and loves to experience from a distance that she gets real excited for me to pick pics to post. Its always a fun activity. Check them out as we try to keep them different. We splurged on first class tickets. I had another laugh attack, while putting luggage up above our heads. Omg, had to be there moment on a silent, quiet train car while I am hoisting huge suitcases in the air for both of us. Tracy gets very nervous having to do these things….. i think everything is no big deal. We sit in our seats…they are numbered. We had not noticed a train car #, until our seat mates nearby kicked a couple out of their seats and directed them to diff car. Tracy was so concerned and unsettled by this as I realized we were in wrong car. People are discussing train strikes….I am laughing saying its all ok. She was worried we would have to get luggage down etc. We had a nice couple sit by us, more Canadians.
Oh, Marc….I did get astrological signs of the friends we met at Chama. You know me very well. Except no Chassisic meals for me until you eat at Chama. 😉 your comments crack me up. Tracy was like, what is he talking about….i explained you interpret your own way with silly humor, Marc-Style.
Okay, so our friends told us about another must eat at in Lisbon, a seafood places featured on No Reservations by Anthony Bordain. It was called Ramiro, and we had to eat Crab, crab dip, shrimp, buttered bread etc. Another not possible for you Z. 🙏🏻 Any ways half way through our ride, after friends got off others got on and kicked us out of our seats. We moved from our peaceful quiet relaxing car to a noisy filled packed car. Here we met a Portuguese couple from Porto heading to Lisbon to fly to Paris for holiday. They confirmed this must experience eatery. We have decided we will have lunch upon arrival. Still raining when we arrive at 2 pm to Lisbon. A huge beautiful colorful city. Cruise ship line the ocean/boat terminal across from train station. We take in a new place while in taxi to hotel.we are both excited for a new home. Im excited to see a new breakfast spread. Yes, mountain hiking, walking, and juicing is in my immediate future. 🐽🐽🐷🐷 I have a work day starting at 5:30 pm today. 5 meetings scheduled……
.Our hotel is again magnificent. Our room is gorgeous, spacious, super elegant and classy. The location is perfection, it is not as warm as a feeling as Porto, but its a fancy cold like feel. The attention to detail at this hotel was cool. Tracy has taken so many pics of many things here. We are located on a main square in a happening part of Lisbon, Hotel people also agree about Ramiro,….they get us taxi and we are on the way. Ill share photos and spare details, but it was SO good and a place I would not normally go to…..good to try while traveling, new things. We had the Crab stuff, cokes in bottles, butter bread, and the hugest tiger prawns with melted butter. It was super delish. If you ever needed a reason to not keep kosher, this place would be it. Yummy!
I made it back in time to set up my new office in our room, it has a desk, we are in a huge corner upgraded room with 2 big windows that open to this square with a huge statue. Lisbon feels like a cross between Rom and Paris to us….cant wait for the sun to come out tomorrow and our packed full day of new exploring. Totally my favorite day next. Enjoyed my work day, while Tracy went shopping. Perfect planning as we all know Im not a real shopper. She bought a good amount and was gone a couple of hours. We changed our dinner rez to 10 pm, as my last call doesn’t end until 9;30 pm. I have been SO extremely blessed to have sooo much free time and understanding in a new job. Im happy to do a few hours of wk a day. Being a part of this awesome team feels so good to be truoy building something. This is a real start-up world. We have reservations for palace that Israeli couple had suggested. Ms Fancy wanted to dress up since in a palace. She has brought the fanciest 2 outfits and VERY high heels, 2 pairs. First its rainy, second- these are cobble stone streets. Im afraid she will break her ankle. She chose the plastic/lucite type with gold shoes, the heel is shaped into 3 balls. Very trendy and nice, but not practical for Lisboa.
Thankfully the walk was 2 min, She held onto my arm as to not fall. We are laughing at her being vain and all about style. She decides she was get a black and a white sneaker for next abroad trips. Sadly our dinner tonight was nothing worth writing about….we will be ready for tomorrow. Another funny ….Ms Fancy is wearing a silk 2 piece set of leopard print pajamas….she makes me laugh. Stay tuned, as Im super excited for our packed day and new hotel breakfast, we learned it is a full menu, not a buffet. Even more exciting…
just got into the most comfy bed with a great down comforter….ready for sleep, its 1:21, and early night for me. Until tomorrow………XO
Life is good, I looked at the clock today at 11:11 and 1:11, luck is on its way or still exploding- keep the faith!!
love always Dora …aka Laurie Sue, and Ms. Fancy👠💕
Wow—-you outdid yourself with the food photos this time! Looks utterly delicious! Cheers~!!
Rach as in Big Rachel
Omg! So glad I finally can respond to your post. Love them all and in perfect Laurie style. It always cracks me up that you take pictures of the people serving you and they are like … “so happy my new tourist friend will post me on her FAMOUS blog.” LOL Love that Tracy is a shopper — I’ll need to go on a trip with her. Your descriptions are great. The lobster looks so good. Your getting great use out of Rachel’s jacket. 🙂 I’d like to travel there in summer. I can hear you laughing on your laughing attack!! (jealous) Oh, and Marc — her site says “not secure.” Not sure if you are still in charge but FYI. 🙂
The French (in mostly large French cities) get back at English speaking tourists with a serving of cold shoulder and rudeness. Nice to have the rest of Europe love Americans.
I love your photos of food. I swear you could do a Bourdain-like show.
Sounds like fun. Say hello to Ms.Fancy. I’m tired just from reading your adventures. Safe travels💋
Zalman Herschel
Dear I’m Not Fancy (but actually like fancy things) and I’m Admittedly Fancy,
1. The Majical Cloudz song is very nice. Unfortunately (or fortunately), they broke up in 2016.
2. Ramiro: I’m so happy you ate there. This looks like the best place ever, even with the treyf.
3. You and Fancy Pants are the best combo: Computer & Coffee on Couch + Shopping. What else does one require?
4. Fancy’s High Heels with the balls. Were those the leftover balls from dinner the night before? Did you ever find out what was in them?
Love, Your Love Shack Fancy Brother
Fun, fun, to read about these adventures. Traveling is medicine for the soul. Xo
Your adventures sound amazing! My favorite photos are of the streets and views ~ I mean, the food ones are amazing, don’t get me wrong ~ but your photos of Lisbon are so good, I feel like I’m a tourist too! Safe travels!!