Let the Adventures Begin….

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Never fails we need some excitement on a trip to prove the universe always has your back, or for this situation, Pretty Woman’s true fairy Prince. Rachel missed her flight departing LAX as the traffic in LA was crazy and she was 10 min too late for boarding, UGH!! Her incredible husband to the rescue , he got her booked out on a different flight as our airline only has one night flight per day. THANK YOU Rockstar Grant!! She will arrive 2 hours after me now and we will meet in Vietnam as she went through Tokyo, while I’m in China, SIGH! All is for the good….we are both safely in Asia as I type on my lay over, after enjoying some real Won Ton Soup for breakfast, and checking in with her.

I realized upon the drive to the airport leaving AZ that I had anxiety and nervousness like never before while getting ready to travel? It hit me that this is my first solo International trip without the security of my daddy in the distance. After talking to Rachel, she shared she saw 3 hot-air-balloons on way to LA, and Danielle sent me a picture of a Bruce sign of a kid at her kids school on top of cubby. He has made his presence known and after my Xanax at airport I’m feeling much more at ease for this adventure. I just want to get to my partner in crime to calm her nerves now. Let the games begin for a spiritual journey together! Woohoo!! Soooo excited 😉

My 14 hour flight was easy peasy, I had forgotten that I requested a Kosher meal, smart girl! While all other passengers were slurping down disgusting looking porridge, I got an omelette and potatoes, dinner had been a yummier chicken as opposed to some beef/rice concoction. I took my normal cocktail of drugs for an international flight and slept about 8 hours, off/on. I watched a few movies, one I will recommend with Johnny Depp called “Richard says Good-Bye”. It was a bit heavy, deep, and dark but with a great message. Be sure to aim to make your life interesting and meaningful, since we all will die you simply cant just exist. Live a life full of experiences of your choosing, this is the true richness of living.Hmmm A good movie, I had never heard of it.

My seat mates were an Indian couple from Nepal, did not speak English. No one to talk too, lol The plane was a 3/3/3 rows , packed like sardines, I was in row 55, thank goodness an aisle seat. The cafe and apple juice along with a frozen fruit punch juice box like a slushy was thirst quenching. Thank you to my mommy for my homemade sandwich to eat on the plane. Ha ha

Until my arrival in Hanoi and I get reunited with Rachel…..Hugs and Kisses to all xo ❤️😘

Love Laurie Sue

9 Responses

  1. Audrey

    You’re off to a good start. Your kosher meal was a great idea. You definitely seem to be calm & rested and ready for next short flight. Loved Danielle’s sign to you. ALWAYS with you.
    Can’t wait for you and Rachel to meet up. So grateful Grant came to the rescue. I’ll need to look for that movie. Looking forward to more to read from you.
    All my love,

  2. Uncle Jeff

    14 hours of easy peasy, a good movie, kosher food, a missing passenger and Nepal innuendo is a classic 1970s Asian “who-dun-nit” mystery film where everybody is guilty…or is it suppose to be a train across Europe. Oh well, I’m now able to assume the position until your arrival in Hanoi Jane’s (Fonda) favorite controversial community. Vietnam’s Capital should provide a lot of storytelling. I’m ready as a spider in a web full of hexapod invertebrates (insects).

  3. Marc Newman

    I thought you were fluent in Nepalese??? Kosher meals win! Xoxoxo

  4. Stephenne Berger

    While sitting in my car in the pouring down rain waiting for Luke’s parkour class to end I was thinking to myself how I wish I had something interesting to read. Oh wait, Laurie’s adventure email! Yes!!!! You saved me. Thanks for keeping me entertained. Love you girl! Keep them coming. Xoxo

  5. VCA

    You’re so brave to experience Vietnam and So. east Asia. One of the last places on earth I would wish to visit. I’m so looking forward to all your upcoming blogs. Cheers

  6. Danielle Schweikert


    This trip is sealed with a hug and kiss! I loved seeing the name Bruce at our school above the Kindergarten cubbies. I immediately thought of you both and how rare it is to hear the name Bruce these days. Give Rachel a hug for me and I look forward to your next two weeks of travel and journal.

  7. Lacy Cain

    Smart move on the Kosher meal! Sometimes I like plane rides in silence as it allows for a lot of reflection of the journey and destination. Excited to see where you go next 🙂

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