Cheers to Extending Paradise!!!

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Hello to my favorite people! Thank you for all the comments, emails, and replies- you know me I love to stay connected while away. Well the BIG NEWS is that Julie extended this vacation for another week, Im staying until Sunday. Its very hard to leave PARADISE!! Everyone we talk to has also been extending, our Staten Island couple is also staying longer, Julie will have many friends to keep her company. So funny, no one wants to leave Turks CM. We have learned the occupancy is 140 people, its normally 700. We really are SO lucky to be experiencing this resort/Club during this crazy time in life. Feeling beyond grateful & blessed. You get to read this journal/blog for 2 more days. Happy to share this dream reality with all of you. 

Shout out to MCUJ, loved your comment today….the depth in your message took us a few reads. Cant agree more with your interpretations- thank u ❤️ After leaving Sharkies this morning I got in the daily uniform of a bathing suit, and met Julie at the pool. She is working today on her computer and the phone. Crazy how many people have turned the pool area & beach into their offices. A benefit to this new temporary world, you can truly work from anywhere. 

It was noon, time for another Crazy Signs. We always make sure to be poolside for the festivities. Andy from Mass, was hanging around with us, I learned he is a Cancer and has a 31 yr old daughter, and 2 yr old grand- daughter. Truly a nice guy, we all decided to checkout the restaurant he told us about next to our property on the beach. Place called, The Flamingo. A total hole in the wall with the most magnificent view you have ever seen.  He tried to describe Crack Conch to me….its not kosher for Jules, but I was excited to try it. Julie & I shared the most incredible fresh blackened grouper, with cole slaw & dirty rice/beans. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it all. We tasted Andy’s curry grouper, also mouth watering yummy! I had a Rum punch too. 

After our leisurely delicious lunch, Jules and I went out on the water. I cant get enough of this turquoise water. I kayaked, while she paddle boarded. Then it was my turn for my beach side massage. OMG, getting a massage with the waves crashing in the ocean breeze is beyond dreamy! Heavenly relaxation is an understatement. 

Met Jules after for a run. I don’t go for as long as her, but the exercise around the property is always a bonus after eating and allows for the sharing of our daily grilled cheese. They are really so good. Lol 

We went home to shower and get ready for another night out. Im tired tonight. We git a later start then normal, not arriving at dinner until 8 pm. Herb crusted Rack of Lamb was my dish tonight, we decided we will need to do a rating of all the meals and top dishes before I leave. 

So funny I have given out so many of the TRU47 masks, that so many of our friends are wearing them around the village. I gave many samples to the boutique/ gift shop girl for the manager. We ended up becoming friends with Meaghan who runs the store. Another crazy story of a GO life. She is  35, has worked here for 3 years, came on a vacation 3 years ago and decided she needed this life. She is originally from Toronto with a Canadian passport, but considers Georgia home. She is SO friendly with Andy from Mass as he is a regular annually. He brought her clothes and other items as they stay in touch. The way of this life is fascinating to me. The bonds formed with strangers in such a short time period is like out of a TV show or movie. 

White Night show starts at 9:30. We played a game of Ping Pong before the show started. I have not laughed this hard in a while. Im not the greatest player and Julie made us keep playing. It was more like an attack ping pong game , as the ball flew to the other table and hit the other players. 

We are true Alfin/Sheltons, always have to arrive early to get our favorite spot for a good view of the entertainment. Good little campers. Once again, these shows are like a professional Vegas Performance. The strength of these circus peoples bodies is mind blowing. The Columbian girl, Andrea does acrobatics hanging with a rope around her neck. Its wild! I have SO much video footage. As well , Charley- who could be a Model, balances his entire weight on these bars, doing flips, holding his body in positions that are unreal! These guys all have abs of steel with 6- packs. We dance with everyone in this main lounge area as tonights show is interactive. Our duo dance couple Bill & Connie, we learn are 60 & 59. I had to know their age as they have SO much energy, are in great shape, and always dance past last call. I told her we think they are full of energy, she said” too many people give up, letting it go because of age, they like to stay in the game and not let it change. Good for them!! I need to start eating healthy when home and exercising to have Connies body! 

We move to the Main bar to end the night. Hang with Mitch & Paco, our guys from Mexico City area. Paco is the guy who only arrived 4 days ago. He is here for 4 months, may decide to stay longer depending on Covid. His true desire is to get his Masters in Germany, settle down after with a wife & children. What a sweet good guy. I talked to him all about my reservations & fears of Mexico. He was funny and surprised as he thinks its a safe country as long as you stay away from bad areas. He said South America , specifically Columbia is a country he would be afraid to travel. I told him about my Paris train robbery and he too, was robbed in Paris. So many life stories on this planet. Mitch shared his goal or desire is to become a Village Chief. He loves this kind of life, constant fun and does not miss the stress his old job/career used to cause him. He showed me on his phone, a CM in the Maldives….he would love to work there one day. So far he has been a GO for 3 years. Finally has his groove, shared his whole routine, they each get one full day off per week. Genuine, authentic, real people. Again, my favorite part of traveling is all these conversations and learning about life’s curiosity’s.

Tonight was the quietest night, as Saturdays are departure day. Most people stay in and pack up. Not a dancing night, which I must say was a nice break. I lasted until midnight, while Jules is still out. Im writing and snuggled in my comfy bed. Ready for a good night sleep and another beach day in paradise. Today was a restful day!! Julie is now home….sweet Dreams everyone XO xo

love laurie sue

aka Dora

6 Responses

  1. Michael

    You guys pack so much in!! What an awesome time. Maybe YOU can stay longer, too??


  2. VCA

    I once questioned which you love best – mountains or ocean. There is no doubt that you love the beach, a drink while lounging beneath an umbrella and sandals.

    Maldives – hmmm – Club Med, could that be in your future?

    I loved your blogs. See you soon.

  3. Stephenne Berger

    Sounds like absolute paradise. So happy you get to extend a little too. I’ll cover for you if you want to stay the week with your travel partner. Xoxo

  4. Danielle

    I love hearing the stories you’re engaging in with other people. That would be my favorite part of travel. I’m putting this location on my list! That grouper looked delish! I know you mentioned your new found love of kayaking. Could you go to Tempe town lake when you return or next time you visit here… we can go. I love kayaking too! You’ll have to visit Lake Tahoe and kayak. It’s quite an experience. Have a fabulous day!

    • YCUJ

      I recall your energy and attention to details during your travels a few years ago… you have not changed; you have a built-in talent for painting your memories with embellished colors, flavors and sounds. So, when I open your post each day, I know I will get the full scope of your creativity. Thanks for looking out for my beautiful daughter. Love you, CUJ:-)

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