My Nauset Farms quaint grocery made me my Italian Wedding soup knowing it was my last weekend, lucky me. The weather had turned brrrr Cold- perfect for soup weather. I woke up early Saturday morning to get one last sunrise walk on the beach before my last Orleans farmers market. Today was planned for a lunch with my dads first cousin in Mashpee. He lives year round in Boston area and has a beautiful home on the Cape. I had only met him once before a few years ago. I found him after my dad died. This kind man made the trip up to see me, invited me to his home and shared so many stories with me about his childhood memories with my grand-parents and my dad. We sat in his gorgeous new, model home like house for an hour before heading to his country club for lunch. The scenery of this place was how you imagine a Cape Cod country club to be on a golf course. The conversation was priceless. My dad was always the best story teller, as many of you know. It was SO cool to hear this guy make my grandfather sound extra famous, and his descriptions of this Suffern home ( I had visited many times w/ my dad) where he spent all his holiday meals and weekend gatherings until my dads fathers passing in 1965. Many were stories I had heard before, but a twist from his perspective. I knew my dad was the only child from a fancy upbringing, but this guy made him out to be like richie rich the cartoon kid. He wanted to know about my family too. I shared stories and photos. We spent 3 hours together before I departed.

Off to Chatham for one last bit of shopping and photo snapping at sunset. Tonight was packing/cleaning time. So sad to leave my little cottage that treated me so well, yet ready for the next chapter. Early departure the next day to have my adventurous day across 5 states as I make my way to PA. I chose to go the CT route……first stop was planned to be Suffern to visit my grand parents resting place. Every time I visit I feel my dad shows signs of himself……well today was over the top. You cant make this stuff up and it’s why Im a true believer. 💫So first…..I pass signs for Shelton, CT. This place we know, as we had visited in my childhood as a family. I snapped a pic and kept driving. The leaves are still showing signs of fall, unbelievable eye-popping colors around every corner. Well next I see a sign, next exit The Bruce Museum- 2 miles. I have a small heart attack, laugh to myself and exit the freeway to investigate. I mean seriously can he communicate any clearer, screaming at me. I smile SO big, as I pull up to this place in Greenwich, CT. I had never heard of it, and The Bruce Park is across the street, lol. I go inside to ask what type of museum it is and do they have a flyer/brochure? Its an Art/History/Science museum. I go into the gift shop to purchase a magnet….the guy asks me if Im a BofA card holder, as today the museum is free for BofA clients. Why yes I am…..he says okay you will need this sticker if you want to go in, he hands me a sticker that says “The Bruce”. I ended up telling everyone at the desk the significance of the name to me, and how its so Serendipty as Im on my way for my visit to a cemetary to see his parents. I LOVE SIGNS! 💫🧚🏻♀️ I sent all these photos home via text, and my crew of other girls started blowing up our text string. ❤️

I arrived to Suffern, NY to visit the cemetery, it was a beautiful crisp day. I then drove to the infamous house of his childhood home. After the cousin lunch yesterday, my plan was to knock on the door to try and get another tour. Omg, the house is being gutted, redone, it’s abandoned, boarded up, and falling apart. I walked around the property, the pool was still full with water, but this house of memories is being knocked down. I took lots of pics & video footage, sent it to all inquiring minds and got back on the road. I drove through MA, CT, NY, NJ, and finally arrived in the great state of Pennsylvania by 6pm. It was a long day, but well worth the adventures. Only on the east coast can you travel through so many states in one day over such a short time.

As I write this, it is my last night of 2 glorious weeks spent with my friend of 30 years, Woodley, and her beautiful family. I have slept so much, eaten very well(much healthier), and been very entertained by the 2 sweetest kids. Woodley is my friend who I took my very first adult International trip together to Italy many years ago, who I have blamed for my travel addiction. We met at NAU when we were 18. She is my vegetarian, yogi, all natural friend. She has been taking vitamins and supplements before anyone else I knew. She makes from scratch 3 home cooked meals a day. Her kids LOVE all vegetables. Her daughter eats a green pepper like an apple. She is a super star mommy, and has taken the BEST care of me. Jason her down to earth, fabulous husband is also a saint. They are a perfect match and I am beyond grateful that we had this time together. Most thankful they opened their home to me for 2 weeks. Woodley is into alternative medicine like me, and actually cured my little head cold I got while visiting, with her home made Chamomile steam tents, rubbing some special cream on my chest and back. She was the one who introduced me to Mustard Seed foot baths. None the less it has been a warm- restful, inviting entertaining time. Oh yay, she gives me a hot water bottle to take in my bed to stay warm at night. Its serious over the top TLC in this house. I have shared my favorite game of Rummy Cube with them, everyone loves it and we play nightly while drinking our hot tea, kids included. I have painted Ellery’s toes and hands. She has given me her room to stay in and is the sweetest 8 yr old girl. The neighborhood is like from the 1980’s where kids play outside together until its dinner time. So many kids outside and its a safe development. Such an awesome childhood they are experiencing. And they have a dog, Libby who loves me. She snuggles me every morning and occasionally I go on a walk with Woodley and her at night.

My week days here are spent working at the local coffee shopsh. I met up with an old family friend of my parents, Liz for lunch. I have had 2 adoption appointments while here with agencies that are partnered with PairTree (our clients). The first one Emily, a solo social worker- we had a brunch once and then chose to work together another day. It is SO fun to meet these people in person after working online with them for the year. The next one was an entire agency (9 ladies) outside of Philly. I went to have lunch at this beautiful home in Chestnut Hill on my birthday. They spoiled me with gifts, a cake, birthday decorations, sang to me, and meaningful conversations. It was a lovely lunch and a great way to spend part of my special day. Woodley also made me a homemade Apple Spice cake with cream cheese frosting, mouth watering goodness and the whole family sang birthday songs, including her son, Holden playing it on the Cello. He was amazing!!! I got a massage that day and just the 2 of us went out to an old Inn for a nice dinner. The Inn had some cool 1800’s history. Thank you to everyone of you who messaged, face booked, texted, called, etc. It was a perfect day to start my 49th year.

I have been lucky to participate in the many cool activities that go on around here. The kids attend a Waldorf type education, which also is a community of all ages within itself. Lots of it connects to Rudolf Steiner from Germany, Stephanie’s kids did this for a while too. It is so cool, yet very different. We attended a Martinmas lantern walk in the woods one night. A lady told the story of St Martin around a fire to all the kids, we then walked through a wooded preserve with lanterns singing songs, then ended back by the fire with piping hot apple cider. I was all bundled up to stay warm. Another evening we attended a talk about Eurythmie, a type of healing movement that uses copper and learned techniques , how to relieve stress & anxiety naturally for kids, yet was soothing for us too.. It was fascinating. Plus there was a mom there who had adopted her daughter from AZ 9 years ago, I knew the attorney she used. I was wearing my PairTree sweater/jacket and she was so excited to hear all about it. It was fun to meet her and hear her personal story.

I went with Woodley to listen to a 72 year old woman tell her life story. It’s something offered if you’re over 70 and want to share. At that event I met a man named William who traveled with his wife by bicycle to 48 countries over the course of 15 years. He even wrote a book about it that we got a copy of to keep. Such fascinating people on this planet. Im constantly intrigued. We go often to one of my fav grocery market here, called Kimberton Whole Foods. A tiny little local store with all fresh clean items. A type of place where everyone knows your name.

The town of Phoenixville where they live has a main st area called Bridge Street, this is where I spend my wk days. There are murals on the side of buildings here. One day, I took the train into Philly to wk at The We Work, located in the same building as The Philadelphia stock exchange. I met up with a friend from grade school, high school, Patrick. It was fun to catch up and reconnect. I took the train home. The amount of deer you see on the roads, in the woods, everywhere is wild here. Gotta be careful driving. We have gone on many walks/hikes where you can see the deer running wild. Apparently hunting season is approaching. And then there is Libby, the family rescue dog from Mississippi, She is a challenged doggy, has leash aggression issues, lol. Learning all new things here, ha ha. When she is sweet, she is sweet!

Today was my last full day, Saturday, we went to the National Dog Show, which is televised on Thanksgiving. We saw 2000 dogs, which you were able to pet. . It was a crazy cool event. Dog people that do contests are serious people about their dogs. There was a beauty parlor area with dogs getting blow outs, make up, little hair dye, styles, etc- truly wild. Then for Thai food with one of the Drs woodley works for at the alternative clinic. I loved chatting with her, she was such a neat lady with lots of insight to alternative treatments. Today ended with a Viola/piano concert and another home cooked dinner followed by rummy cube and hot tea. This is the life!

I will miss my early bedtime, home cooked fresh meals from scratch, children’s laughter, and quality time with an old friend. I will be back here for 1 more night mid Dec before I head down South to avoid the cold winter. I have finally booked my ticket home to AZ for Jan 30th.
Tomorrow Im heading back to Connecticut to be with family for Thanksgiving. Excited for the next chapter to start. Feeling beyond thankful for this magical life Im living.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! May you be blessed with happy times, good health, surrounded by loved ones, and know Im thankful you are in my world.
love Laurie Sue
AKA Dora💕❤️😘🧚🏻♀️🍁🎉💫🦃🦃
ps….some extra pics…..

We mortals can only fantasize the life you have experienced since July 1st.
Thank you forgo sharing snd.especially the photos
Happy Thanksgiving
Eileen Shorr
Hi Laurie/AKA Dora! I am reading this post at 2 AM in Arizona. I was born and raised my first 19 years in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania so I have really enjoyed your east coast adventures. I went to your dad’s funeral, but didn’t remember his name was Bruce Shelton. Enjoyed all his signs that he was also happy with you seeing his family home, gravesites, relatives, etc. You are an amazing traveler! So nice of your friend’s family to host you so fabulously for two weeks. I love Rummy Cub too. Also Mah Jongg and canasta! Glad you finally have a plane trip back to AZ.
❤️❤️❤️Safe travels today L Sue! Those dog pics are hilarious!
Happy Thanksgiving to u! Enjoy and safe travels.
Miss u in Az.❤️
Thank you for having such an adventurous life. I’m sure all of us are thrilled for you.!