Heading East….New Adventures Await, Philly here I come!

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So Psyched to be escaping the Arizona summer high temperatures and getting a break from reality. You know me and how much I love to travel. I am in serious need of rejuvenation, mental clarity, and a transformation to my Dora self. Always looking for a reason to write in this blog space too.

Im officially in vacation mode, having made my way through security after a work day and a lovely lunch celebrating my baby sisters Birthday. Super grateful for family always!

To share a story, I have had the opportunity through my volunteer work with home bound seniors to spend quality time with a 97 year old lady recently. She has the same name as my namesake, hence the signs and connections that immediately brought meaning to our instant bond. The stories she has shared about her filled life have added true inspiration to my psyche. The joy and happiness, to the sorrow and loss that she has endured over 97 years, to witness her perseverance and determination in life has blown me away. The smile on her face, the style in her presentation, the laughter and fire cracker wit, and the memory she instills. All of it has shown me once again the true meaning of life. I continue to search or shall I say explore my true path, purpose, direction of what will be next on my journey. I always am lucky to have people, experiences, and serendipitous encounters present themselves at just the right time. It always goes back to the infamous words of the great rabbi, Michael Shapiro…..”All is for the Good”. Wandering thoughts as I unwind and reflect awaiting my next chapters to unfold. 😉

In any case, Im waiting at the gate to go spend a few days of Adventure and exploration of a new City I have not spent time in since childhood- which i don’t really recall. . My dear friend, Woodley from College lives outside of Philly. We will get some solid girl time in Philly before heading to her new home to spend some time with her family(2 precious kids & her wonderful husband), than I will be off to my favorite CITY…..taking the train to NYC!

I milk every moment I can get during an escape. How can I fly East and miss out on my fun happy place? Stay tuned for some historical culture of Philadelphia, family adventure in the suburbs, meditation classes in the City with Cousins, The new Hudson Yards area of the CITY. An adventure with Friends, Family, cocktails and always good food 🙂 Plus I bought a new book I’m sure I will share about once I get sucked in called, The Choice(thanks Danielle). Another life altering holocaust memoir story about a Badass Survivor. An Oprah reviewed NY Times Bestseller, and my How to live your Badass book- the shorter version tiny book-always need to add more inspiration and positivity to my days.

Please feel free to reply on here or to me directly, I love the comments and banter. Miss my daddy’s reply alls and constant communication when traveling.

Happiest of Birthday wishes shout out to Miss Jackie Sue!!!

PS. Im going to try to post photos again on this blog and test my tech skills ha ha…..

Love Laurie Sue AKA Dora 🙂

10 Responses

  1. Dee Dee

    I love You safe travels Dora ! ❤️❤️❤️ We are in California and miss u.

    • lauriesue

      Love u too Dee Dee & Blake! I saw some of ur pics….. thanks for responding! I just want to hug u, ur the best!!! Enjoy ur fabulous family time too🥰❤️

    • lauriesue

      Ur the BEST!!! Blog fully revived thanks to u 😘

    • lauriesue

      Wish I had more time, would love to see you too. Miss u xo

  2. Michael Golden

    Love your writing! Have a great trip!! XO

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